Make your garden or landscape edible
Free lecture series spring 2024
With food forests, permaculture and a dose of courage!
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Massive call to make the garden edible
The typical Flemish garden mainly has a lawn and some ornamental plants, a missed opportunity according to Commensalist landscape architect Louis De Jaeger. He calls for more edible plants, because who wouldn't want to be able to pick breakfast from their own garden? Try planting a lemonade bush or an onion soup tree.
For the last million years, people have lived closely with nature. We knew every edible plant and depended on it for our survival. Today we can just walk into a supermarket and throw our pre-cut meal in the cart.
This luxury has its advantages, but it also means that we are alienated from nature. That we miss intimacy with plants. The best way to get to know our green friends better is to eat them.