Verdir le désert
Verdir le désert
Farmers are key to stopping the desert
Chris Reij
Chris Reij, an expert in desert restoration, shares his insights on sustainable land restoration in areas adjacent to deserts, such as the Sahel region. He emphasises the importance of working in areas with higher rainfall and population densities to maximise impact.
Chris discusses his background in soil and water conservation and the breakthroughs he witnessed in Burkina Faso, where farmers improved and adopted traditional techniques, leading to the restoration of degraded land. He also highlights the remarkable re-greening phenomenon in Niger, where farmers spontaneously protected and managed on-farm trees, resulting in the transformation of 5 million hectares of land. In this conversation, Chris Reij discusses the success stories of regreening efforts in Africa, particularly in Niger and Malawi.
He emphasises the importance of farmer-led initiatives and the role of communication in spreading these success stories. Reij highlights the need for a shift in mindset from project-based approaches to process-based approaches, focusing on replicable and low-cost techniques.
He also addresses the challenges of outdated forestry legislation and the need for agricultural development policies that support integrated farming systems. Reij concludes by emphasising the multiple benefits of increasing on-farm tree numbers and the potential for scaling up regreening efforts in Africa.
Points clés à retenir
- * Focus on sustainable land restoration in areas adjacent to deserts with higher rainfall and population densities for maximum impact.
* Improving and adopting traditional techniques can lead to the restoration of degraded land.
* Spontaneous protection and management of on-farm trees by farmers can result in significant re-greening and the development of more complex and productive farming systems.
* The re-greening phenomenon in Niger, where 5 million hectares of land were transformed, highlights the importance of integrating agriculture, livestock, and forestry in production systems. Regreening efforts in Africa have been successful due to farmer-led initiatives and the spontaneous decision-making of individual farmers.
* Communication plays a key role in spreading success stories and empowering farmers to replicate regreening efforts.
* A shift in mindset is needed from project-based approaches to process-based approaches that focus on replicable and low-cost techniques.
* Outdated forestry legislation and the lack of agricultural development policies that support integrated farming systems are stumbling blocks to accelerating regreening efforts.
* Increasing on-farm tree numbers has multiple benefits, including carbon sequestration and climate cooling, and can be achieved without financial incentives.
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